Using the Blog

Creating a New Post

We’ve made creating a new post very easy to do, but still kept some of the more complicated features available to you. The only required information you need to create a blog post is the post title, and the content. However, we do suggest that you supply SEO (Search Engine Optimization) text as well as a summary.

Field Descriptions

Below you can find the descriptions of all the fields for creating a Post.

Basic Tab

The title of your blog post. This title is also used to determine the slug of your blog post (eg. My Title => /my-title)
Author of the blog post
Determines the status of your blog post. Posts in “Draft” will not be shown on your site and can be saved for finishing later. Posts set to “Scheduled” will not be shown on your site until the Published At date and time is reached.
Published At

If your post is set to “Published” then this field can be used to rearrange the order or to fix an incorrect posting date.

If you set your status to “Published” no matter what date you enter the post will still show with a date possibly in the future. Setting your post to “Scheduled” will obey the published at date and not display your post until the date has been reached.

If you change your post status from “Draft” to “Published” the date will be automatically updated to the current time. If you do not wish for this to be the published date you will need to edit it again after moving a post to “Published.”

Use this to classify your posts, you may choose multiple categories or none at all
Featured Image
This field is used to attach an image to your blog post to be displayed in the summary and on the post itself.


The SEO tab is for adding meta tags to your page.

This will change the text that is rendered in the title tag
Meta Description - What shows up in the description area for most search engines
Meta Keywords
Whether search engines should index this post
Whether search engines should follow links from your post

Summary Tab

The summary tab is used to input the content for your post’s summary. The summary is typically shown when viewing the blog homepage, category views, and can be used in some widgets. If you don’t specify a summary explicitly, one will be chosen for you based on the beginning of the content you specify. The summary should be used to provide lead text to get people to read your article.

Content Tab

The content tab is used to input the content for your post. You are encouraged to use different types of headings and images in your post content to make it more interesting for the reader.

Deleting a Post

Deleting a post is fairly simple. Just bring up your list of posts, either click the post title, or the “Edit” button and then click “Delete Post.” You will be asked to confirm your decision before the post is truly deleted.

Remember that you can always set your post to “Draft” status so that it won’t appear in your site.

Creating a Category

Posts can be classified into categories so that someone reading your blog can read articles that are similar if they so choose. Categories themselves don’t hold much information but can be a good way for search engines to find similar content.

We suggest writing SEO for the page title and description seeing as though otherwise your page title will be something boring like “General” or “Web Design.”